17 May 2010

IDIOT #7 - Ke$ha

Jesus, where do I start here with this mess of a human?  First off, that fucking dollar sign in her name makes me want to punch her in the face!  What the fuck is that?  Is she trying to be ironic?  Or is she so stupid she can't spell her name using the alphabet?  Does she even know the alphabet...I bet NO.

Now on to her supposed "music" (I will use quotes every time I use the word music because she isn't musical in any way) I listened to that Tik Tok nightmare yesterday and I am outraged that someone that seems to be bordering on mental retardation was allowed to be exploited like this!  I am sure she suffers from some sort of spectrum syndrome...or she is really just fuck nut dumb.  All the song is is Auto Tune singing for her and she is basically laying on her back throwing in a few lines about Jack Daniels here and there.  BUT THIS IS NOT MUSIC!  If you require Auto Tune to sing all your harmonies then you are NOT a musician...you are a fucking retard.

Now lets talk about her creepy childhood.  She was raised by some stinky hippie that used the old turkey baster method to get impregnated.  Wow, can you get more hillbilly than that?  And her creepy mom's name is Pebe...this is not a real name.  I don't give a shit if you disagree, this is not a name.  It is like a name you give your dick or something.  Pebe the stinky hippie dragged Kesha around to her "gigs" and somehow this is supposed to make us believe that she was surrounded by "music" from a young age and therefore some prodigy?  Nope.  This was absentee parenting at its finest.  Stick the little bitch in the guitar case and carry her along so I don' have to pay for legitimate day care.  Her mom was a WHORE and now Kesha is following in those fine footsteps...she is a WHORE.  She looks like a WHORE and I am sure she washes out that vagine with all that Jack Daniels.  ATTN MEN:  Fuck this one at your own risk.  JD cannot kill all the bacteria in there no matter what the label claims!!

Kesha is EVERYTHING that is wrong with "music" today.  She does not play an instrument, cannot sing, cannot dance yet some P Diddy wannabee dressed her up in her stray runaway clothing and is trying to make a buck.  To those unfortunate enough to have bought Tik Tok or any of her other fucking horrible songs, there should be a class action lawsuit to get your money back.  You have been scammed!  

I will make a bet right now of $500 that this bitch will be gone in 1 year.  Either from a overdose or just because a Federal law was passed that has banned the playing of this "music" because it causes seizures in children and the elderly.  

FUCK OFF YOU IGNORANT WHORE...your pimp is waiting for you and I hear he is one pissed of motherfucker!!!!

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