14 May 2010

IDIOT #6 - Russell Crowe

OK...I just saw an article on Reuters about stupid god damn asshole Russell Crowe walking out of yet ANOTHER interview!!!  Jesus this guy is an ungrateful dick weed!  I mean, you make gobs of money and someone merely questions your acting and you walk out in a huff like a little girl?  FUCK YOU.

According to the story, the interviewer simply asked if he was going for an Irish accent in the new Robin Hood movie and Mr. Crowe flipped out.  What the fuck?  It is a simple question, why would he get so upset?  Here is exactly what he answered back with:

"You've got dead ears, mate. You've seriously got dead ears if you think that's an Irish accent," Russell said, followed by a British slang expletive.

I can only assume the British slang expletive was "cunt" as the Brits bandy that about like we use shit or fuck.  Ok, sorry this is devolving into a curse fest.  But I swear to god I hate this asswipe.  Why can't he just be grateful for his money and fame?  Why is is always so angry?  And wasn't Robin Hood supposed to be Irish or Northern English?  Hey any accent is better than the accent fucking Kevin Costner tried in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.  Jesus, I almost killed myself while suffering though that pile of garbage!

SCREW YOU RUSSELL CROWE...and what the hell is with that picture?  (see above) 

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